Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

Supporting School Uniform

School uniform becomes the identity of students. Most of schools make rules of the using of it, but it is different between a school and the others. But there are some people do not agree with it. They think if it is monotonous. In fact, there are some reasons the benefit of using school uniform. Some of them are that school uniform shows the identity of a school, that increases the disciplines of students and that is minimizing the differentiate of social  status between students. So the purpose of this essay is to persuade readers to support the school uniform.

The first reason is that school uniform shows the identity of a school. School uniform can be used to determine where a students' school. It can be known from badge which is usually sewn on the right sleeve of the uniform. A school is also usually have a special uniform that can really differentiate between one school with another school. Usually a special uniform was used on Friday or Saturday.

The second reason is that increases the disciplines of students. Uniform can also be used to train a student to learn discipline because students will be trained directly to dress neatly. A school must have rules addressed to the students on how to dress. An example is the uniform shirt must keep the uniform tidy, must wear a belt, socks, and others.

The third reason is minimizing the differentiate of social status between students. The high economic level students will not able to wear luxurious clothes which will be looked more glamor than the other students. The low economic level students will not feel confidential comparing themselves with the high economic level students.

Recently some schools consider that the use of uniform can limit the student's creativeness and freedom, so they do not regulate their students to wear uniform in school. But, as I have said just some reason why you should support the school uniform, the benefit to wear the school uniform is more reasonable rather than not to wear it. So, please support the school uniform.

not really tidy but look how pretty they are when wear School Uniform :)
Tulisan ini hasil perbuatan:
75% Agatha Wikandhita Prawestri
20% Prasetyani Dwijayati
5%   Bagus Perwira Laksmana

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